Tionndadh gluasad statach sreath STS1000(110Vac / 220Vac) Öth;
1. Sònrachadh
1.Switch over between two power suppliers
2.Automatic Selection of batter supply
3.Switch over time less than 4s
4.Any two AC power supplies with sinusoidal output, high adaptability
5.Provide RS485 communication and Dry contact, support SNMP remote
Single cut type UP-STS16S UP-STS25S UP-STS32S UP-STS40S UP-STS45S
Double cut type UP-STS16D UP-STS25D UP-STS32D UP-STS40D UP-STS45D
Phase Single Phase
output current 16A 25A 32A 40A 45A
Max allow current 18A 28A 35A 45A 50A
AC Input
AC Input voltage 110Vac / 220Vac
Raon bholtachd cuir a-steach 90~130Vac@110Vac; 190~260Vac@220Vac
Valid working Voltage ±12%, backlash±5V
Tricead 50Hz/60Hz(set in factory)
Power off voltage 110V: ≤55Vac Or ≥135Vac,backlash±5V≤55Vac Or ≥135Vac,backlash±5V 220V: ≤190Vac Or ≥260Vac,backlash±5V≤190Vac Or ≥260Vac,backlash±5V
Power off frequency ≤45Hz or ≥65Hz,Power off Voltage=±0.2Hz
Atharraich ùine <4ms
Comas cus cuideim Load current is 110%, operating continuously
Luchdaich an-dràsta> 110%, immediately shut-off;
Working Environment
Neart dielectric 2000Vac/10mA/60s
Humiditty 0%~90%, no moisture condensation
Work temperature -25℃~50℃
Teòthachd stòraidh -40℃ ~ 70 ℃
Fuaim(1m) <55dB
Meud(mm) 482*44.5*343(1U)
Communitcation RS485/SNMP

Fàg Freagairt

Cha tèid do sheòladh puist-d fhoillseachadh. Tha raointean riatanach air an comharrachadh *

Bruidhinn ri Kristin
mar-thà 1902 brathan

  • crìosdaidh 10:12 AM, An-diugh
    Toilichte ur teachdaireachd fhaighinn, agus is e so freagairt Chriosd dhuibh