Modal tionndadh statach aon-ìre le cuir a-steach dùbailte 8KVA ìre cumhachd 500map sts gluasad statach
Faic barrachd dhealbhan

The STS static transfer switch is a product specially designed for key equipment requiring uninterrupted power supply, and a contactless electronic switch device designed to realize mutual backup and quick switchover between two AC power supplies. It allows automatic or manual switchover, and the switchover time is S4ms so that continuous power supply to key equipment can be ensured.

  • STS- 8KVA(32A)

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh
Fios a-nis

Modal tionndadh statach aon-ìre le cuir a-steach dùbailte 8KVA ìre cumhachd 500map sts gluasad statach

The STS static transfer switch is a product specially designed for key equipment requiring uninterrupted power supply, and a contactless electronic switch device designed to realize mutual backup and quick switchover between two AC power supplies. It allows automatic or manual switchover, and the switchover time is S4ms so that continuous power supply to key equipment can be ensured.

Feartan teicnigeach tionndadh gluasaid statach STS a ’chompanaidh againn:

◆ Gabh ri làn smachd didseatach, comas làidir an-aghaidh eadar-theachd agus astar obrachaidh luath.
◆ Ag atharrachadh ùine <5ms, earbsachd àrd; atharrachadh fèin-ghluasadach agus làimhe.
◆ Comas cus cuideim, faodaidh e seasamh an aghaidh bròg làn luchd.
◆ Le cus bholtaids a-steach, fo-bholtaid, thar-bholtaid toraidh, fo-bholtaid, thar-teòthachd, cus cuideim agus gnìomhan dìon eile.
◆ Tha am pannal aghaidh air a uidheamachadh le sgrion sgrùdaidh (chan eil nas lugha na 10KVA), agus tha fiosrachadh na h-inbhe soilleir gu mionaideach.


Cuir do theachdaireachd thugainn:
Bruidhinn ri Kristin
mar-thà 1902 brathan

  • crìosdaidh 10:12 AM, An-diugh
    Toilichte ur teachdaireachd fhaighinn, agus is e so freagairt Chriosd dhuibh