Siostam cumhachd freumhaichte 3u dc 48v 150A ag atharrachadh solar cumhachd
Faic barrachd dhealbhan

This type Embedded Power System is widely deployed in the Telecom/Industrial environment today, ginealach ùr “Green & siostam sàbhalaidh lùtha”., aiming at outdoor low power mobile Telecom/Industrial power market, a’ coinneachadh ris a’ ghluasad ann an leasachadh stèisean bonn Telecom, sàbhaladh cosgais togail agus giorrachadh ùine. Tha an siostam gu math sùbailte leis an àrainneachd, feartan le raon teòthachd obrachaidh farsaing, coinneachadh ri iarrtas luchd-cleachdaidh àrd-ìre.

  • AC220/DC48-10AS
  • AC220/DC48-20AS
  • AC220/DC48-30AS
  • AC220/DC48-40AS
  • AC220/DC48-50AS
  • AC220/DC48-60AS
  • AC220/DC48-100AS
  • AC220/DC48-120AS
  • AC220/DC48-150AS
  • AC220/DC48-200AS
  • AC220/DC48-300AS
  • AC220/DC48-400AS
  • AC220/DC48-550AS

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Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh
Fios a-nis

Switching Power Supply

What is Switching power supply and their uses?

How to Choose a Switching Power Supply


Green & environment friendly. With excellent filtering and shielding process, super low electromagnetic radiation; Within wide load range, the power factor over 0.99, input harmonic current component below 5%, input voltage range 90~290Vac. The system noise is below 55dB; High efficiency energy saving, able to operate with high efficiency at full load; More reliable operation. With complete test, smachd, alarm and protection functions, Perfect surge protection performance, the product reliability and adaptability is highly improved; Configured with 19"standard power rack, the rectifier is hot swappable, complete frontal operation, making the operation and maintenance safer, quicker and more convenient ect....


Freagarrach airson cumhachd achadh conaltraidh bho 1-10KW
1. Stèisean cian-chonaltraidh / bonn / Uidheam càball
2. Stèisean Conaltraidh.
3. Ionad dàta coimpiutair
4. Lìonraidhean SCADA agus Uidheam Dàta
5. Bunait fòn / cealla
6. Stèiseanan Radio Base / Làraichean Cell
7. Seòmar ionad sgrùdaidh
8.Inneal WIFI City
9. Càr conaltraidh èiginneach
10. rathad-iarainn & metro
11. Siostaman antenna sgaoilte
12. Mara & far chladach
13. Siostaman riaghlaidh togalach
14. Siostaman rabhaidh teine
15. goireasan cumhachd Smachd siostam / raon
16. ionad / stèisean cumhachd
17.Siostam sgrùdaidh cumhachd
18.Solar cumhachd siostam
19.Siostam cumhachd gaoithe

Buannachdan toraidh

1.Widely operating range of AC input voltage: 90~290Vac n
2.60 amp output per module, 180 amp system capacity max for 2U (Whole system 600 amp max)
3.Perfect battery management, accessory battery temperature detector
4.Current/voltage switching tech with high efficiency: ≥93.2%
5.Temperature compensation, LLVD and BLVD protection
6.Compact 2U 19’ inch rackmount shelf
7.Real-time detection of operating status, sound-light alarm
8.Abnormal log record: input over/ under voltage protection, output over voltage protection, output over current protection,
9.dìon cuairt ghoirid toraidh, over temperature alarm, AC loss alarm etc.

If you have some problems about Embedded Power System 3u dc 48v 150A switching power supply, no ma tha thu airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh fhaighinn mu Rack mount Telecom Inverter,Siostam ceartachaidh Telecom,Dachaigh Inverter Pure Sine Wave,Solar MPPT INVERTER,Tionndadh DC gu DC, etc. Tha fàilte oirbh fios a chur thugainn!

A’ coimhead air adhart ris an rannsachadh agad !


Cuir do theachdaireachd thugainn:
Bruidhinn ri Kristin
mar-thà 1902 brathan

  • crìosdaidh 10:12 AM, An-diugh
    Toilichte ur teachdaireachd fhaighinn, agus is e so freagairt Chriosd dhuibh