19-òirleach Rack Fast Seach-rathad Gluasad 10ms Ac Dc 110v gu 220v 5000w Inverter Sine Wave Inverter
Faic barrachd dhealbhan

The inverter of this series employs advanced SPWM and CPU control technology to realize precise control, isolated input and output, toradh tòiseachadh bog, safety and high efficiency, good reliability and strong impact resistance to inductive load.

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh
Fios a-nis

19-òirleach Rack Fast Seach-rathad Gluasad 10ms Ac Dc 110v gu 220v 5000w Inverter Sine Wave Inverter

The inverter of this series employs advanced SPWM and CPU control technology to realize precise control, isolated input and output, toradh tòiseachadh bog, safety and high efficiency, good reliability and strong impact resistance to inductive load.



  • Sgrùdadh fìor-ùine air inbhe obrachaidh an t-siostaim;
  • Inneal-rabhaidh claisneachd is lèirsinneach;
  • Clàraich an teachdaireachd rabhaidh eachdraidheil agus faodar a cheasnachadh;
  • Tòisich ath-thòiseachadh fèin-ghluasadach fhad ‘s a tha Ac no Dc a’ faighinn seachad air;
Cuir do theachdaireachd thugainn:
Bruidhinn ri Kristin
mar-thà 1902 brathan

  • crìosdaidh 10:12 AM, An-diugh
    Toilichte ur teachdaireachd fhaighinn, agus is e so freagairt Chriosd dhuibh