Tha na buannachdan a leanas aig suidsichean suidse sealaidheachd: 1. Iomallachd dealain: Ath-chraoladh…
Leugh tuilleadh CUIR RI FIOSRACHADHSolar cumhachd 220VAC DC 48V-50AS Ceartaiche modular air atharrachadh 48v 100a 50a solar cumhachd Ainm Bathar Solarachadh cumhachd 220VAC DC 48V-50AS Ceartaiche modular modular 48v 100a 50a solar cumhachd Iarrtas Stèisean Telecom, Uidheam tar-chuir, stèiseanan cumhachd…
Leugh tuilleadh CUIR RI FIOSRACHADHCeartaiche 220V AC 48V DC 1.8KW 100 solar cumhachd amp dc Siostam Ceartachaidh Modular Telecom Siostam Cumhachd DC freumhaichte air a chleachdadh gu farsaing anns an àrainneachd Telecom / Gnìomhachais an-diugh. Faodaidh an siostam a bhith air a dhèanamh suas de…
Leugh tuilleadh CUIR RI FIOSRACHADH2U 19'' Rack AC-DC 360AS ag atharrachadh solar cumhachd dc125v 1500w uisge-dhìonach a-staigh Tuairisgeul Tha siostam ceartachaidh modular na shiostam cumhachd modular a bharrachd a tha stèidhichte air blocaichean togail airson an dà chuid 19 fuasglaidhean siostam òirleach.…
Leugh tuilleadh CUIR RI FIOSRACHADHSingle phase high frequency BWT220V/48-80AS switching power supply BWT220V/48-80AS switching power supply Embedded Power System is widely deployed in the Telecom/Industrial environment today, ginealach ùr “Green & siostam sàbhalaidh lùtha”., aiming at…
Leugh tuilleadh CUIR RI FIOSRACHADHAC220V TO DC24V-30AS Embedded Power System rectifier system for telecom This 220Vac/24Vdc-30AS Embedded Power Syste is widely deployed in the Telecom/Industrial environment today, ginealach ùr “Green & siostam sàbhalaidh lùtha”., aiming at…
Leugh tuilleadh CUIR RI FIOSRACHADHBWT220/220-10AS -100AS Rectifier system ac dc power supply Modular rectifier System is a modular Extra-able power system based on building blocks for both 19 fuasglaidhean siostam òirleach. It is consist of Rectifier module…
Leugh tuilleadh CUIR RI FIOSRACHADHModular Rack Mount Rectifier System 110VDC 220VAC switching power supply RCT-2000 modular rectifier system is widely deployed in the telecom/industrial field. It provide telecom power technology to modulate voltage for DC load and…
Leugh tuilleadh CUIR RI FIOSRACHADHThis type Embedded Power System is widely deployed in the Telecom/Industrial environment today, ginealach ùr “Green & siostam sàbhalaidh lùtha”., aiming at outdoor low power mobile Telecom/Industrial power market, meeting the trend of…
Leugh tuilleadh CUIR RI FIOSRACHADHSwitching Power Supply What is Switching power supply and their uses? How to Choose a Switching Power Supply Green & environment friendly. With excellent filtering and shielding process, super low electromagnetic radiation;…